AI!? Will it take away my creativity?

“I heard there is a fuss about AI taking over jobs,”

“Hmm, yes heard it, but why are you worried?”

“Aren’t you?”

“Why?” I asked.

“You might lose your design work,”

“How come?”

“Because AI can create whatever you create,” he said in a triumphed tone.

I just smiled and he looked at me with such a face, that I started to wonder.

My Experience with Creative Block and How to Overcome

As a freelancer sometimes, I have to think of several design projects at once, which is a challenge at times. There had been times I didn’t even had a single concept until the last minute of the approaching client meeting. Events that trigger a creative block in me:  Depending on the client’s brief that clashes […]

My experience as a Freelancer in 5 words…

Freedom  Passion Commitment Experience Gains Freedom : After doing several full time jobs, I realize that working as a freelancer had many benefits. Some are that I am able to select what projects I work with and I get to discuss with the client about the project. The plus point is this helps me to […]